Harald Kislinger

Eine richtig mörderische Kunstrealisierung
2 D, 3 H, Verwandlungsdek
frei zur UA
“ABOUT: In this play, nearly everything is said in a roundabout way. People who kill each other. People who don’t want to become murderers. People who don’t want to get involved – and get dragged in anyway.

It’s the interconnections which matter, the underlying tortures and pleasures. Living against DEATH – living why? Living wild and – in dignity. While some watch, others strip off – and while some watch for too long, they’re being stripped off and pulled in.
It’s a mysterious maelstrom.
The murder of the so-called Viennese “murder sisters” a few years ago serves as my background, but next to the stylistic means of expression my main focus is on the question: how easy is it to become a murderer?

Concerning the realisation of art: everything flows together into a seeming reality.
Everything ascends to the “normal language”.
Reality with an absurd aftertaste: the art realisation makes it possible.
Behind the grotesque lurks the tragic.”
(Harald Kislinger)