Jens Roselt

Body Snacks
3 D, 3 H
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Something has changed, and with this change, people have changed too. There are no real feelings any more, or were there never any? Insecurity and mistrust are the first steps in the dance of suspicion and espionage amongst old friends. Christian’s own wife becomes a stranger to him. He brings his old friend Anne into his confidence, who doubts his sanity and sticks with her ex-lover Bernd, who stays cool and keeps his cards close. The cynical Anne resolves to get to the bottom of things and loses her sovereignty in the search for her own feelings. Only a mysterious transformation can save her from the terror of authenticity. Real feeling also becomes a commodity that must be sold. Who can resist emotional conformity?
The grand finale is dramatic. Anne narrowly escapes transformation. But she is alone. Too alone. “I’m a discontinued item! An amazing special offer! Doesn’t anybody want me?”
Science fiction, thriller, detective story, soppy love story and the X Files: these are the elements out of which Jens Roselt weaves Body Snacks, an exciting and refreshingly unusual social drama. And out of the sum of skilfully used genre clichés emerges the ever-burning question of the responsibility and autonomy of human behaviour.