Sophie Reyer

4 D, 2 H, 1 Dogge, 1 Vogelmottenchor
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Daphy no longer wants to be in her own body. She does not feel well in her own skin, does not want to see, hear or feel anything. Good thing you can change that. "Be a Treegirl!" is the maxim of those who want to reorder the world. Or control it--like Remote-Control and Dogge, emissaries of a power that optimizes and eliminates: the Queen of the Bio-Power.

And so Daphy becomes a small birch tree. And while she is not quite a tree but no longer human, she finds love unexpectedly, in the hospital. Too late! The terror has begun, the masses must be controlled, human beings must be forced to happiness. And when the little Daphybirch comes home, she can still hear and see and feel. She just can’t understand things anymore. Love is nailed to her trunk, her mother is hung on her branch. The father flees his debt and beccomes a tree as well. Only Brother Fawn lends Daphy his voice, writes down the truth on paper made from her wood. But for whom? In the end, none of them remains alive. The wood burns bright for the elite.

Here, Sophie Reyer interweaves the story of Daphy's family with an end-time scenario -- the apocalypse. How does an elite group of people control the overpopulation of the earth? With natural catastrophes? With terrorist attacks? In their attempt to escape their own misfortune, simple human beings become the unenlightened recipients of the promise of happiness. For behind all advertising lies terror. And behind every terror is a plan.



Sophie Reyer
Die Daphy mag nicht mehr in ihrem Körper sein. Sie fühlt sich in der eignen Haut ... mehr
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