1794. The fifth year of the French Revolution. The discussion about its “correct” development has reached its peak. The band of the Dantonists, who demand moderation and pacification of the conflicts, stands against Robespierre and his allies, who insist on radical solutions with the aid of the guillotine. Dea is protesting in the streets and demanding justice and wealth.
Which path should the revolution take? How does one keep political power? Which ideology is most effective in pacifying the discontented masses?
Büchner advances to the key questions of political altercations in his clear-sighted drama. He examines the difficulties of political conduct, if its vision is keeping power. He describes the staging of political murders.
Nuran David Calis transfers these struggles into the modern setting of a fictional oval office, in which both parties defend their positions in claustrophobic isolation and try to enforce them. While a desperate struggle for space or victory takes place inside, the “mob”, the “people”, the “citoyens” are acting out outside and tip the scales. (Schauspiel Stuttgart)
Nuran David Calis, Georg Büchner
Dantons Tod
von Georg Büchner
von Georg Büchner
in einer Bearbeitung von Nuran David Calis
Auftragsarbeit für das Staatstheater Stuttgart
3 D, 6 H, St
UA: 12.03.2011 · Staatstheater Stuttgart · Directed by: Nuran David Calis