Milena Michalek

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Anrufungen aus der ideologischen Moderne
1 D, 1 H
frei zur UA
On the surface the world seems calm, but underneath it it is seething. At least that is how it seems to Mr Hauser, who is seized by a serious dizziness. He calls the oracle. Rosa Luxemburg also feels the unrest in prison. Out of words she plants a garden in the cell. And while the bourgeois mind tries to calm down, the proletarian body is already making a speech to the nation. In the midst of it all, a manifesto - theatre manifesto - so beautiful, anarchic, radical and free that it has long since become impossible to distinguish whether theatre is the world or the world has perhaps long since become theatre itself.

"Milena Michalek has written a short play for the Autorentheatertage 2020: As a comedy, language piece and theatre manifesto, it asks about the conditions of revolution and social relevance in a world that has become uncertain." (Announcement Deutsches Theater Berlin)


Milena Michalek

Neu im Verlag: Die beeindruckende Autorin und Regisseurin Milena Michalek

Friederike Emmerling stellt Milena Michalek vor und berichtet über die erste Begegnung zwischen Autorin und Lektorin. In ihrem Kurzstück DAS HIER zeigt sich Michaleks verblüffende Begabung für Sprache, Brisanz und Humor. Die Unbedingtheit ist es, die über das Schreiben hinaus ... mehr