Björn SC Deigner

Der endlos tippende Affe
ETA Hoffmann Theater Bamberg
2 D, 1 H
UA: 19. November 2021 · ETA Hoffmann Theater Bamberg · Directed by: Mirjam Loibl
If you put a monkey in front of a typewriter and let him type forever, at some point he would have typed out the entire French National Library - in the correct order of the cataloged holdings, complete with typographical errors and misspellings. But what does all of this have to do with it? Kurt Schwepper exclaims, looking down at his fingers through which the meaning of the whole thing seems to just have trickled. That sounds a lot like theatre to me, says Roman, groping with embarrassment for his glasses. Kurt Schwepper is close to crying, Roman looks through his glasses, which he still hasn't found, and explains: I'm just a monkey, too, surrounded by machines.

Based on the mathematical theorem of the infinitely typing monkey, Björn SC Deigner enters the thicket of absurd occurrences and linguistic confusion in order to pursue the question of where meaning begins and how it ends. What serves as a mathematical conception for infinity raises the question of the production of meaning: are we all typing monkeys trying to derive meaning from our own gibberish? If the stock exchange was once considered the "fair and calligraphic version of the world", today it appears to us more and more as an arbitrary numerical index. With climate change, descriptions and maps of the world have lost their former logic. Capitalism appears to us more and more as a paradoxical way of life to which we are subject. If our ideological frames go wrong, mistakes lurk everywhere for us too, arbitrariness - gibberish. (Bamberg Theater)


Der endlos tippende Affe

Theater der Zeit

Und diesem kompakten munteren Abend ist es ständig um Perspektivwechsel zu tun: Wo ist die Bühne, wer spielt für wen, wer hat welche Erwartungshaltung, ...? Das Leben nicht im, sondern als Käfig. Ein jeder gefangen in sich selbst, doch Drinnen und Draußen sind verhandelbar.