Jörg Maurer

Der Leichenschmaus
Eine Kriminalkomödie mit Musik
4 D, 3 H, Stimme
Aunt Kathi died and her relatives buried her. At the funeral it was raining cats and dogs, and now the wet mourners gather for the funeral feast in the restaurant. The dear bereaved are completely affected by the sudden loss of the poor aunt, which came at a bad time, but you know, "Death is usually a burden, because it always just comes when it doesn't fit". But this sad day also offers comfort, for the aunt was by no means poor - quite the opposite. So the Hölleisens, the Schöpsmüllers, the niece Moni, who came all the way from Berlin, and last but not least the priest wait more or less eagerly for the opening of the will. Everyone is quite sure that the aunt will have distributed her inheritance fairly. But apparently the dear departed has changed her last will and testament on her deathbed one or two times - depending on who had just stopped by to say goodbye. And so there are several will readings and deadly surprises to experience at this bitterly evil funeral feast.


Jörg Maurer

Neu im Programm: LEICHENSCHMAUS – Eine Kriminalkomödie des Bestsellerautors Jörg Maurer

Die liebe Verwandtschaft trifft sich zum Leichenschmaus. Der Bestsellerautor Jörg Maurer hat eine bayerische Krimikömodie geschrieben, die, ganz im Stile seine Bücher, die Abgründe hinter der beschaulichen Landidylle beleuchtet. Eine Krimi-Groteske par excellence.    Die Tante Kathi ist gestorben und die Verwandtschaft hat sie begraben. Bei der Beerdigung hat es ... mehr