Michael Stauffer

Die Apfelkönigin
2 D, 2 H, 4 Tänzer
UA: 25.04.2003 · Stadt Theater Bern · Directed by: Lavinia Frey
“What does the herring in van Gogh’s still life paintings taste like? And if someone eats meatloaf their whole life, does he come out in different clothes than someone with a balanced diet? And do these people eat directly with their stomach. Because I don’t want to imagine how you could stuff all of that through your mouth. Others eat with the eye. Without touching anything. And others become as faceless from the lack of food. In my play Die Apfelkönigin I pursue these dietary questions. The doctrine of gluttony concerning food is systematic. The results are still unforeseeable.” (Michael Stauffer about Die Apfelkönigin)