Martin Baltscheit

Die Überredung
Für Kinder ab 10 Jahren
2 D, 5 H
frei zur UA
Is there a good reason for being born? This is the question Vito, the crown prince, asks immediately after sticking his head out of his mother’s womb. Stubbornly he insists on being persuaded; before he is, there is no reason for him to leave the warmth inside of the queen. Doctor, king, president and midwife, the witnesses of this miracle, are lost. They surpass each other in cajolery and display the full extent of the human search for meaning: indulgence, sensuality, belief, love. But it is for nothing. Sharp-tongued and clairvoyant, the infant exposes the flaws of every proposal. During the third night however, a cleaner discovers his head between the maternal legs. “Head in arse” she screeches and laughs and laughs and laughs and hits this curiosity with a broom. Vito becomes furious. Rants. And wants to catch her…

“As the described non-born remains between heaven and earth, between mother and ground, we remain with him in this intermediate realm. Blissful. Because for a long moment, theatre makes time stand still and together with the unborn prince we may search for the answers to the existential questions of what motivates us, what makes life worth living. Inspired by Büchner, this play engages the mind, unpretentiously, romantically, mischievously. Simply great.”
(Excerpt from the award justification of the Duisburg Children and Youth Theatre Award 2003 Kaas & Kappes)