Igor Bauersima

6 Darsteller, 1 Stimme
UA: 12.02.2000 · Theaterhaus Gessnerallee, Zürich · Directed by: Igor Bauersima
What Pirandello lets his six actors demand of the author retrospectively, Exil encodes in itself. The story begins with the image of the writing author at her computer, whose disoriented and senseless writing takes the shape of a writer’s block. The genesis of the text is also that of the characters, who convulse because of their author’s block. They suffer from their own aimlessness, they feel too theoretical and, as if at a dramaturgic impasse, they can reflect on themselves as much as the author does, they know they can’t help themselves, just as the author knows that no one can help her. By subconsciously writing details of her immediate surroundings and own actions into the text, letting the sentences of her characters console her occasionally, an intertextuality, transcending the limits of fiction and reality, is formed in the most brilliant parts of the play. This makes our question, of whether the described suicide of the desperate author actually happens, impossible, for the world of her characters is so much her own – an image of her failure and the theory and practice of writing. (Anja Nioduschewski)