A sunny morning in September. A father is on the way to the park with his son. The dog is on the leash, petrol and a knife are in his backpack. For God has commanded that he kill his own son. And while the city slowly awakens, the mother hopes that the story will perhaps change if she only tells it often enough: The story of Abraham’s and Isaac’s nameless revenants on a cloudless morning in the park.
Roland Schimmelpfennig wrote Hier bin ich (Here I am) for the Holland House in Copenhagen, where it had its world premiere under the title Frygt og Bæven, on the occasion of Søren Kierkegaard’s 250th birthday.
Roland Schimmelpfennig
Hier bin ich
nach Motiven von Sören Kierkegaard
Auftragsarbeit für das Holland House in Kopenhagen
1 D, 2 H
UA: 28.10.2013 · Holland House Kopenhagen · Directed by: Jakob Schokking
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Translated into: Danish