Beate Faßnacht

3 D, 4 H
UA: 29.05.2015 · Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen in Koprod. mit der Württembergischen Landesbühne Esslingen und dem Theater Rampe, Stuttgart · Directed by: Wolfgang Apprich
Nothing is outside anymore and it’s getting dark inside. And if one enters a mountain hut as a stranger, one should be prepared for a taproom filled with people living in their own universe. That doesn’t have to be dangerous, but!
They drink their quarter litres and shots, regularly lifting the blanket on the TV to watch the news, and sometimes talk about this and that. Slowly. Anni is the waitress. Man 2 has a crush on her, Man 3 as well, but he isn’t sure about it. The poet doesn’t care about her, he is in a rhyming delirium. And Man 1 can’t really understand it anyway. The hostess is in charge though. And suddenly, a stranger is standing in the doorway. That’s confusing. Because even the smallest deviation from familiarity is watched like a hawk here. Even if the absurd is accepted surprisingly fast. No one even seems to care about the outside world not existing any more. Because inside the four walls of the pub somewhere, the laws of order and apathy rule. Come what may. That can’t ruffle anyone here.
Beate Faßnacht writes with an evil humour about phlegmatic men, unleashed women, corrupted tastes and one’s own regularities. A dramatic treat full of precise observations of human nature and a fascinating play with the inversion of common expectations.

“The scenic reading of Obwohl was a true feast, a play sketch by the Basel set designer Beate Faßnacht.”
(bazkulturmagazin about Stücklabor Basel 2008)