Nuran David Calis

3 D, 4 H
UA: 26.11.2006 · Thalia Theater, Hamburg · Directed by: Nuran David Calis
“A group of political activists. They want to do something. Light a beacon, redirect the course of events, change the world. They meet up for a weekend to prepare a campaign. With them is Horst, under a false name, a boy from the fringes of society, who has very different interests. But something gets in the way. Desire, jealousy, resignation and pain. If one could only do something”

Schwarz is the first part of the schwarzrotgoldtrilogie and was written as part of the “Dramatikerstipendium des Kulturkreises der deutschen Wirtschaft 2005”, a playwright-scholarship of the cultural circle of German business, in cooperation with the Thalia Theater Hamburg.