Ulrich Zaum

Tür und Tor
Stück in 1 Akt (abendfüllend)
1 D, 3 H, 2 St, 1 Dek
UA: 30.11.1991 · Thalia Theater, Hamburg · Directed by: Thilo Voggenreiter
The show has just begun when the journalist and critic Hannes Lukasch enters. He asks to be let in, but is refused entry by the officious Rainer Mager, the director’s assistant. It is an extremely precarious premiere and the actress would give up at the smallest disturbance. But for Hannes Lukasch, it’s a matter of survival: if he doesn’t write a review, he’ll lose his job. The two men talk it over and finally agree that Lukasch can sit by the key hole with the script so that he can follow the performance. While Mager is away, and to Lukasch’s utter astonishment, an older man with a beret gets into the theatre without a problem – who is he? The evening wears on, and Lukasch and Mager cautiously get closer to one another, they find similarities that they reluctantly concede and then withdraw. Until suddenly the director shows up, completely hysterical, for whom the hasty departure of the author is catastrophic. They find a solution… but you’ll have to see the play to find it out!