Glamsquad Angel sits in a hotel room in Munich and is afraid. Someone is just running amok. Don't go outside. What for, anyway? The smartphone is the umbilical cord to the rest of the world. Scoial networking, you are never alone, tweet the description of the suspect, and time and again fend off sterotypes, and always the conversation flickers, short and noncommittally, connecting, liking, hating, drifting, exchangeable, fleeting, limitless. The banal sinks under the fundamental, clarity is smudged. Attitude? An aimless drifting through the digital sea of over-information. No escaping the troll. Recurring conversations with the drowned woman. Burnt-in images, words without corrections. Life for real? "Or sick forgetting of ourselves. Sick peace"?
Digital thought and language elements are condensed in 1 yottabyte leben into voices of a poetic-anarchic high velocity stream. With the speed the overload mounts and with the overload the longing for a reality with all its bourgeois certainties. Or would we prefer boundlessness, after all? It is high time to leave the decision of all our future to the formidable google translate lady.
Olive Wenzel was invited to Berlin Stückemarkt 2018 with this play where is was presented in a staged reading (directed by Nora Schlocker) on May 8, 2018.
Olivia Wenzel
1 yottabyte leben
4 Darsteller
UA: Spielzeit 2019/20 · Saarländisches Staatstheater Saarbrücken · Directed by: Matthias Mühlschlegel
Translated into: Chinese