Katja Brunner

ändere den Aggregatzustand deiner trauer
Besetzung ad. lib.
UA: Theater Luzern · 21.3.2014 · Directed by: Marco Storman
A teenager jumps to his death. This suicide is the prelude for various creatures in animal and human form to articulate their concerns. Fox and maggot, for example, report on supply bottlenecks in a denatured world. The teenager himself sheds light on his short biography: conception, kindergarten and school days tell of his alienated life in the wheels of a performance-orientated education economy. The abandoned mother, trained by therapy to endure the unbearable, is pitied and ostracised by her immediate surroundings. Only a woman who has "grown old" becomes a magical seer and delivers an incendiary speech against the digitalisation of life. The teenager's free fall ultimately becomes a stroke of liberation from an artificial world.
"A text about how it might have been better to weep for people at birth rather than at death. A text about the energetic release, if one could erase all depression from the hearts and minds of middle-class Central European pampered people." (Katja Brunner)
Translated into: French