Marion Brasch

Arthur Hackbart feiert Weihnachten
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
2 Darsteller
frei zur UA
It is the morning of December 24, Christmas Eve. Arthur Hackbart would love to have presents already. He can hardly wait for it to finally get dark outside, for Papa Hackbart to take the duck out of the oven, and for them to sit together under the Christmas tree. However, Papa Hackbart still has to get the tree first, and there are still a lot of other things to be done before the big celebration. While Papa Hackbart goes to the market, Arthur has to learn a nice poem for Santa Claus. "That's worse than homework," Arthur thinks. He would much rather go sledding outside until Papa comes back. But what is taking him so long? How is Arthur supposed to pass the upcoming boredom? He decides to prepare the duck. He doesn't have a recipe, but it can't be that difficult. The neighbor Mrs. Kuckuck also needs help decorating the tree, and finally Papa Hackbart comes home. Instead of a fir tree, he has brought a different surprise.
Even if the preparations are more chaotic than planned, this play by Marion Brasch celebrates the best thing about Christmas: It brings people together.