David Lindemann

Der Damm
7 Darsteller
UA: 28.10.2022 · Staatstheater Nürnberg · Directed by: Kieran Joel
The sea level has risen, the North German Plain is flooded, and the high-tech Porta Dam is bracing itself against the masses of water. And just behind it - in a desert-like wasteland - Mr. and Mrs. Ehrlich have made their dream home come true. Loft, editor of an architectural magazine, is visiting to report on the extraordinary architecture and location of this property. Every now and then a deafening KLONG sounds. If the pressure on the dam becomes too great, an alarm sounds. There is also a basement at Ehrlichs, tiled by Kalk, the tiler. Floor, walls, ceilings, a throne in the middle - all tiled, one drain and no handle on the inside of the door. An officer of the State Criminal Office also drops by and wonders: what are the Ehrlichs up to? Why do they need the long thin butcher knife and why is there a picture on the wall of the Rider on the White Horse, that dike count who sacrificed himself for the dike. KLONG again the dike warns. Something must be done soon. It seems that this marvel of engineering can only be appeased with a human sacrifice. But who should that be? Mrs. Ehrlich or her visitor? And why did Loft never show up again after the secret visit to the cellar?

The Dam is a hilarious, black-humored climate disaster comedy that knows how to explore the boundaries between science-based vision and over-the-top nonsense in the most delicious way. And, of course, the whole thing is headed for a wonderfully spectacular showdown on the dam right from the start.


David Lindemann
Der Damm
Der Meeresspiegel ist gestiegen, die norddeutsche Tiefebene ist überflutet.Gegen ... mehr
» merken


David Lindemann

DER DAMM - Ursendung auf Deutschlandfunk Kultur am 11.5.22

Am 11.05.2022 wird David Lindemanns Science-Fiction-Komödie DER DAMM auf Deutschlandfunk Kultur urgesendet. Die Ehrlichs haben sich ihr Traumhaus gebaut. Ausgerechnet dort, wo ein Dammbruch alles zu verwüsten droht. Aber es gibt ganz spezielle Mittel: Eine hochtechnisierte Zivilgesellschaft greift auf archaische Rituale zurück.  . Der Meeresspiegel ist gestiegen, die Nordsee hat die norddeutsche Tiefebene überflutet. Wo sich einst die Kleinstadt Porta Westfalica ... mehr


Der Damm


In 100 Minuten vom Konversationsstück zum Action Theatre. [...] Lindemann nutzt ein […] Albtraum-Szenario in naher Zukunft und eine Gegenwart, in der das Establishment Regeln aufstellt, verwirft und neu ordnet, wie es ihm passt.