Roland Schimmelpfennig

Der Zinnsoldat und die Papiertänzerin
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
1 D, 1 H, 1 Darsteller
UA: 16.11.2019 · Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin · Directed by: Roland Schimmelpfennig
They are half burned. Dirty and exhausted. The one-legged soldier and the dancer. But they are still alive! And that really is a miracle. After all the dangers. It all started so beautifully. Back then. When they met in the boy's nursery. On a windowsill. And fell in love. But then a gust of wind whirled the paper dancer up into the sky and threw the tin soldier down. And they couldn't do anything about it because they were just toys. Helpless. On two journeys into the unknown. Hopelessly at the mercy of a mean, self-centered world. Until, in the midst of all the hostile encounters, they found themselves face to face again.
Not only the tin soldier, but also the paper dancer get their own, distinct voice from Roland Schimmelpfennig. In times of increasing hatred and the ostracization of dissidents, this poetic travelogue of two toys touchingly and impressively encourages encounters with one another in an open, hopeful and helpful manner. Because anything else won't pay off in the end.

Roland Schimmelpfennig was nominated for the Children's Play Prize of the Mülheim Theater Days and the German Children's Theater Prize for his first children's theater piece DIE BIENE IM KOPF. With his Andersen adaptation, he opens up a magical series of images in poetic and narrative language that is just waiting to enchant viewers of all ages.
Translated into: English


Roland Schimmelpfennig

Uraufführung: DER ZINNSOLDAT UND DIE PAPIERTÄNZERIN von Roland Schimmelpfennig am Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin

Am 16.11.2019 fand die Uraufführung von DER ZINNSOLDAT UND DIE PAPIERTÄNZERIN - geschrieben und inszeniert von Roland Schimmelpfennig - am Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin statt. Es spielen Hanni Lorenz und Friedrich Richter. Weitere Informationen zur Uraufführungsproduktion finden Sie ... mehr


Der Zinnsoldat und die Papiertänzerin


[...] Schimmelpfennig und Lane Schäfer, die für Bühne, Kostüme und Puppenbau zuständig ist, mischen in ihre Fabulierlust stets einen fein dosierten Humor. Konsequent bis zum Ende, das (so viel sei verraten) kein feuriges ist.