Annalena Küspert
die bremer stadtmusikanten
märchen in 2 akten frei nach den gebrüdern grimm
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
2 D, 2 H, 4 Darsteller
UA: 19.11.2017 · Theater Osnabrück · Directed by: Guillermo Amaya
What is probably the coolest animal gang of all fairy-tales is coming to Osnabrück. The Bremen Town Musicians will perform a Christmas play for young and old. But before that is even possible, they have to get together. What do a pack mule, a hunting dog, a cat and a rooster have in common? Not much, apart from that they are all supposed to be turned into leather. Because their owners think that they are used up, that they’re tired of life, unproductive and that they therefore don’t deserve to exist. “Wherever we go we’ll find something better than death,” this pile of rejects says to each other. They join the pack mule, who was the first to come up with the idea of going to Bremen to become town musicians. So why not form a band with the others? It’s a long way to Bremen, and the group has to stay overnight in a dark forest. Withdrawn from the rules of the land, the woods are full of evil robbers and riff-raff. But that doesn’t deter the fantastic four. When everyone is brave and pulls together, you can face any danger. (Announcement Theater Osnabrück)
die bremer stadtmusikanten
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung
Regisseur Guillermo Amaya ("Momo") inszeniert das bekannte Grimmsche Märchen in der Textfassung von Annalena Küspert mit viel Sinn für Situationskomik, Slapstick und Action. [...] Alles in allem ging es in der 70-minütigen Inszenierung rasant, lustig und musikalisch beschwingt zur Sache - Happy End inklusive.
Die höchstwahrscheinlich coolste Tier-Gang aller Märchenzeiten sorgt in Osnabrück für Furore. Bühnenbild, fetzige Musik, tierisch gute Kostüme und bestens aufgelegte Darsteller sorgen für 70 kurzweilige Minuten.