Anaïs Clerc

faulender Mond
4 Darsteller, Doppelbesetzung möglich
UA: 12.10.2024 · Stadttheater Gießen · Directed by: Amelie von Godin
Antje and She have goals and dreams. They strive for self-realisation, financial security, belonging and security. They both have a past and few opportunities. She is a failed actress, Antje a former ticket inspector. The moon in the sky has always been there. It watches us, it sees everything, She is convinced of that. For each of them, the celestial body appears in a different form. For her as an unborn child in her womb that She is losing. For Antje as the Big Moon joker, the slot machine where she reaches for the stars too often. After their losses, they find refuge and a home in the butcher's shop. They sharpen their knives, cut the chops in two, put beef and pork through the mincer and make funny sandwiches. They have arrived here, in the real world. But who actually owns the butcher's shop? Who gives them a little piece of hope in an unjust world? Where will they go if the butcher's shop is taken away from them? If the world is brutalised, the only way out is up to heaven.

With Rotting Moon, Anaïs Clerc has created a play about classism and the political manipulation mechanisms of a party that are more invasive and structural than we realise on the surface. This text hovers atmospherically between melancholy and humour. The naivety of the characters is so pure and at the same time so fragile that you want to save them. But then there's the moon.