Le Schurk wants to dominate the world, but Mr. Fritz of the secret service wants to put a big spoke in his wheel. But his daughter Selma puts a spoke in his wheel first: she refuses to believe any longer that he works as a train conductor. So Mr. Fritz decides to make her part of this dangerous mission ...
David Lindemann has now appropriately applied his quirky humor to children's and youth theater. If James Bond ever had in mind to start a family, it would surely have become the family Fritz.
David Lindemann
Herr Fritz vom Geheimdienst
(ab 9 Jahren)
Auftragsarbeit für das Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
UA: 12.04.2015 · Theater an der Parkaue · Directed by: Katrin Hentschel