Michel Houellebecq, Falk Richter

Karte und Gebiet
nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Michel Houllebecq für die Bühne bearbeitet
(La carte et le territoire)
Auftragsarbeit für das Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
UA: 16.10.2011 · Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus · Directed by: Falk Richter
Michel Houellebecq has written a new novel that has surprised the literary world because it is so unobtrusively rich in forms and themes, full of morality and humor. The press rejoiced: "Perfect" (Die Zeit), "A great sucess" (Süddeutsche Zeitung). Karte und Gebiet plays out in Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, treating visual art and its market mechanisms, death and euthanasia, fathers and sons, defected heaters, Steve Jobs and the working world, William Morris, the French province and its rediscovery, a beautiful Russian woman - as well as Michel Houellebecq and his dog. The latter is so fragmented that its mortal remains fit into a child's coffin.

For director and author Falk Richter, this adaptation is not about re-enactment and completeness, but about the atmospheric transmission of Houellebecq's world analysis to the stage - with the means of the stage.

Michel Houellebecq, born in La Réunion in 1958, grew up in the country in France. He worked as an agricultural engineer and computer scientist. His breakthrough as a writer came with the Ausweitung der Kampfzone, later Elementarteilchen and Plattform followed. His drastic descriptions of an asocial, sexually frustrated man brought him the label of a “scandal author.” (Announcement Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus)

The S. Fischer Verlag exclusively represents the rights to the stage the work of Falk Richter. The story rights remain with Michel Houllebecq. If you are interested, please contact our French agency.