Felsch has invited some old friends over, to his island, a floral and fiscal paradise. But old friends never visit without being critical; they know that wealth has its price. But Felsch is not available for criticism. He has not been one of them for a long time. And then, somehow, John disappears. Sandra seems to be dissolving. Karsten tries to justify his existence by rescuing a boat of refugees. And Felsch? He has moved on long ago. Only those remain who have not yet succeeded in disappearing as the complexity of the world’s crises increases.
"The financial mogul appears to be the god of our time, at which the representatives of the middle-class stare with fear, like rabbits looking at snakes. He sets the tone, he dominates the discussions, he decides what reality is, and naïve goodheartedness—despite or because of the fact that he is acoustically absent. And so it all comes back to the multi-voice chorus of cowards and followers who do not even react when the corpses are washed onto the coast, but instead evade responsibility with threadbare excuses. Kathrin Rögglas's method of allowing the staff of her radio play to talk almost entirely in the subjunctive is more revealing than any critical discourse or psychologisation. With this objective aesthetic method, Normalverdiener penetrates into the heart of the global economisation of all living conditions. " (From the jury's statement on the Radio Play of the Month 2016)
Kathrin Röggla
UA: 8.10.2017 · ETA Hofmann Theater, Bamberg · Directed by: Leopold von Verschuer
Translated into: Latvian