Andres Veiel, Jutta Doberstein

4 D, 15 H, Doppelbes. möglich
UA: 30.09.2021 · Staatstheater Stuttgart · Directed by: Burkhard C. Kosminski
Until now, climate change has been considered a slow-motion disaster. A crime against the future that cleverly conceals its evidence in the present. In 1986, economist Herbert Stein said: "If something cannot go on like this forever, it will stop sometime".
The crucial question is: when is "sometime"?! - and what comes after? Today, in 2020, the catastrophe in slow motion has turned into a race against time. Scientists agree that the climate history of the next centuries will be written in the next 10 to 15 years. That is the period of time left for action. More than 1000 court cases are currently underway worldwide to force politicians, administrations and industry to act. Most lawsuits are dismissed or peter out. What if, in the not too distant future, a case makes its way through the courts? If judges pass judgement on past omissions? If they decide that the international community must henceforth subordinate itself to nature's fundamental right to integrity?

While Holland floods, Germany dries up and millions of people are on the run, the court is debating who is responsible for the crisis and who should be charged with resolving it.
Ökozid is tract, drama and forensic investigation - a court record from the future.




Stark ist er, wo er auf den Punkt bringt, wie systematisch die politische Klasse ihre Aussagen durch ihre Taten unterminiert. Noch stärker ist er als philosophisches Gedankenexperiment, das beweist, dass nichts außer ein Paradigmenwechsel uns retten kann.


Veiel inszeniert kein Tribunal „Gut gegen Böse“, sondern ein rhetorisches Ringen zwischen dem soliden, interessegeleiteten bundesdeutschen Pragmatismus und globaler Moral.