"If this piece were called EXHAUSTION, then we would see a very lonely man ..."
The search for a title that says everything that unites everything in itself. "A title can determine the direction." A title can include everything, exclude many things. A title must be an answer. In the search for such a title, the AUTHOR in Protect me moves between taking stock and looking back, between what is and what probably will not come to be. Lost, nearing Lenz's madness, he looks for answers in the circle of his intimate confidants, who are no longer near to him: his dying father, the friend who is only interested in herself and her boyfriend, and a therapist.
In Protect me Falk Richter, talks about the constant pressure of an author and director to create experience, about neglected love, and finally, about one who seems to lose himself.
"An author looks for a title for his new piece and can find it neither in the tangled information of a globalized world drifting into the madness nor in the undergrowth of his depressed emotional life." (Eberhard Spreng, dradio)
Falk Richter
Protect me
3 - 6 Schauspieler
UA: 27.10.2010 · Schaubühne Berlin · Directed by: Falk Richter und Anouk van Dijk
Translated into: Danish