Henrik Ibsen, Lothar Kittstein, Volker Lösch

Volksfeind for Future
nach Motiven von Ibsen
3 D, 4 H
UA: 11.09.2020 · Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus · Directed by: Volker Lösch
Isn't 17-year-old Greta Thunberg right with her crystal-clear analysis? Is the world really at a loss for answers when it comes to the future of our planet? Climate change is the topic of the hour. But as simple as the diagnosis is, the solution seems to be complicated. The "Fridays for Future" demonstrations, in which schoolkids around the world gathered last year to protest against the climate catastrophe, did not bring the breakthrough we had hoped for. The protest is currently regrouping. The tenacious conflict between moral and monetary aspects is also described by Henrik Ibsen, whose "Enemy of the People" drama is in no way inferior to today's discussion about the enforceability of urgently needed environmental protection measures. Director Volker Lösch and author Lothar Kittstein have therefore undertaken to stage a rewriting of the environmental classic from 1882. Inspired by young environmental activists from Düsseldorf and together with the actors of the ensemble, they take a look at the complicated relationship between the climate crisis, resistance and defense of the status quo. The plot is - how could it be otherwise - moved to the "most beautiful city on the Rhine", whose mayor has succeeded in winning the contract for a new electric car plant. More jobs, clean air and climate protection all in one, so she says. But her own daughter, of all people, organizes protests, mobilizes her classmates and turns to the press. The production of electric cars, she says, does not only not save but leads to more CO2 emissions. And while the parents' generation is fighting over truths and solutions, the young generation sees its own future as being up for grabs. (Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus)


Henrik Ibsen & Lothar Kittstein

Uraufführung: VOLKSFEIND FOR FUTURE von Lothar Kittstein nach Henrik Ibsen am Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus

Lothar Kittstein hat den Umweltklassiker EIN VOLKSFEIND von Henrik Ibsen aus dem Jahr 1882 für die Gegenwart überschrieben. Am Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus inszeniert Volker Lösch diese Neuinterpretation, in der Moral und Gier aufeinandertreffen. Inspiriert von jungen Umweltaktivist*innen aus Düsseldorf und gemeinsam mit den Schauspieler* innen des Ensembles werfen Lösch und Kittstein einen Blick auf das komplizierte Verhältnis von Klimakrise, Widerstand ... mehr