Katja Brunner

von den beinen zu kurz
UA: 31.03.2012 · Theater an der Winkelwiese, Zürich · Directed by: Antje Thoms
There is a family: a father, a mother, a child. Nameless. Bourgeois. Interchangeable. Everything could be and become good, but something goes wrong, hopelessly wrong, because the father falls for the daughter from the day she is born. For the daughter, the father's "boundless" love is part of her reality from her first breath, his boundless desire normality. The discarded mother soon labels the daughter as her husband's rival and thief. Voices from the outside visualise possible stages of this tragedy - birth, first assault, petting zoo, children's birthday party, visit to the doctor, suicide. They controversially discuss the rapid changes in behaviour, the emotions, the power and powerlessness of the people involved. However, the onset of surreal situations of extreme physical and psychological violence points far out into society. Is the child not forced to bend to the will of the parents if it wants to remain valuable to them? Contrary to the therapeutic gossip that later comes her way, the daughter defends her disastrous relationship with her father.
In this impressive debut by Katja Brunner, language becomes a dissecting knife that cuts through the world of father, mother and child and uncovers the dizzying abysses of human passion.
Translated into: English, French, Latvian, Polish, Russian, Spanish