Michael Lentz

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Kein Traumspiel
Auftragsarbeit für das schauspiel frankfurt
2 D, 3 H
UA: 16.01.09 · schauspiel frankfurt · Directed by: Niklaus Helbling
Friederike likes to gather ghosts of the past around her. Preference is given to famous persons, those who died too early, and those to whom the world owed recognition. And finally, to those individuals whose biographies she has recently read. But because the ghosts are not particularly forthcoming at the moment, Amalia wants to take advantage of the situation and drive this nonsense out of Friederike’s head once and for all. At one of their mutual séances, she arranges a "real" meeting with two of Friederike’s currently revered "ghosts": the dramatist Christian Dietrich Grabbe and the physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter, who are actually only the local postboy and his friend. In addition, a physician, who has turned up by chance, is quickly turned into the dada poet Raoul Hausmann. The attempt to bring Friederike back into reality with this drama, however, turns into a farce. Friederike's world and the power of her imagination prevail, and the make-believe drama becomes a metamorphosis where the alleged actors blend into their roles in an amazing way. (Announcement Schauspiel Frankurt)

"Lentz's play is a successful example of the strange genre of the literary grotesque, whose first example was Grabbe in German literature (the joke, satire, irony, and deeper meaning) and which is better the crazier it becomes. This is nothing other than the art of the comedy." (Frankfurter Rundschau)