Marion Brasch

Winterkind und Herr Jemineh
Auftragsarbeit für das Theater Junge Generation Dresden
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
4 Darsteller, Doppelbesetzung möglich
UA: 29.09.2023 · Theater Junge Generation Dresden · Directed by: Anja Michaelis
"Oh, it has snowed! Yesterday the town was all grey, and now it's all white!" Winterkind exclaims, beaming with joy, as she steps out of the house early in the morning. A grumble and a curse sound from her coat pocket. Mr. Jemineh, a small, finger-length man in a hat, is the occupant of this pocket and is not at all pleased about this early wake-up call. Winterkind pulls out her sleepy friend.Hopefully, breakfast can soothe him.But where is it? "Maybe it missed the tram. Maybe it got stuck in the lift or didn't hear the alarm clock," Winterkind thinks. Together they go in search of their breakfast. In the process, a magic cube falls into their hands and they suddenly understand other languages.They are rescued from one dicey situation or another, get lost and find each other again, and possibly set off on an even greater adventure. But the children in the audience also have something to say about that.

With her commissioned work for the Theater Junge Generation Dresden, Marion Brasch has created an imaginative journey of discovery. From snow-covered parks to the dark, uncomfortable sewers to the harbour and the scent of the big wide world, we experience a story about care and friendship.