Rosa von Praunheim

Die Bettwurst - Das Musical!
1 D, 1 H, 1 Chor
UA: 8.9.2022 · Bar jeder Vernunft, Berlin · Directed by: Rosa von Praunheim
Rosa von Praunheim stages the world premiere of his own cult film from 1971: Die Bettwurst (The Bed Sausage) in the BAR JEDER VERNUNFT. The renowned director, producer, author and activist of the LGBTQ movement thus also directed a musical for the first time shortly before his 80th birthday.

The love story between Luzi, of Polish descent from Kiel, and Dietmar, from Mannheim, takes a dramatic course after a promising beginning and, after dangerous entanglements, finally ends in a happy ending.
In 1971, Rosa von Praunheim became the first director in Germany to direct the story in the camp style already created in America. The FAZ wrote after the broadcast on television "Independent cinema also has its masters. The greatest in Germany is Rosa von Praunheim."
The unusual duct of the two hero*ines caused a sensation and it earned Rosa von Praunheim - together with the film "Not the homosexual is perverted, but the situation in which he lives," which was released at the same time - the status of a cult and underground star of German cinema, which remains undiminished to this day. (Bar jeder Vernunft)


Die Bettwurst - Musical!


Das textlich freizügige Musical spießt spaßig in zweimal etwa 40 Minuten nebenbei auch die einst spießige Kritik an dem Trashfilm auf, der angeblich den guten Geschmack verletze und unbedarfte Leute vorführe.

Berliner Morgenpost

Da geht die Luzi ab [...] Ein grandioser Spaß in der Bar jeder Vernunft.


Das Musical schärft nach, was im Film im Ungefähren bleibt.