Nuran David Calis

Brennpunkt X
Auftragsarbeit für das Staatstheater Saarbrücken
UA: 14.06.2015 · Staatstheater Saarbrücken, Saarlandmuseum · Directed by: Jörg Wesemüller
How do we treat refugees directly in front of our door? Which reality do these people encounter in our country? People who left everything behind – family, job, home and all securities. When at the same time xenophobia and racism are spreading and the shelters for refugees are hopelessly understaffed and underfinanced. What do we tell the people who are not allowed to really arrive here, but also can’t go back?
For , Nuran David Calis has talked to refugees and social workers, but also supporters of Saargida, on behalf of the Saarländisches Staatstheater, and turned the many stories he heard during his research into a very political play.