Walter Bockmayer

Cleopatra und "Der Fluch der Tempelhuren"
4 Darsteller, 1 St
In Cleopatra and the Curse of the Temple Whore, the author breaks his own record in treating disrespectfully everything that is precious to the historian and holy to the middle-class intellectuals. Cleo, as the queen of the Nile is fondly called by her lovers, is truly not to be envied. At first, her flight from Egypt leads her to the cannibals in sub-Saharan Africa. Even though she is saved from being processed into meatballs at the last minute, this isn’t a reason for unclouded joy, for what follows is an unparalleled nightmare. Leni Riefenstahl hauls poor Cleopatra into a greater German Ufa-studio to film a movie with and about her, if the Fuhrer agrees. Peachy, tanned Leni frees the Egyptian empress after her flight from Rome from the cannibal’s pot and drags her straight to Potsdam.