Jens Roselt

Der letzte Askari
2 D, 2 H
frei zur UA
The new manager of the refugee centre is confronted with the standard problems of the facility on her very first day: a hidden machete, a pallet of pepper spray and a fight between five residents, from which one refugee emerges with a bloodied, scratched face.
But is he also the victim? He seems to be hiding a dark past. He chooses a guard at the refugee centre to hide in his home and to serve him as his askari. No sooner said than done: the askari immediately makes himself useful in the guard's household while he works at the centre. When the guard's 16-year-old daughter drops by to get money from her father for the funfair, she spontaneously takes the fugitive on a trip to the fair. However, this only complicates the situation and brings the head of the refugee centre back on the scene.
Jens Roselt takes a satirical and comical look at the refugee debate and spins a wonderfully interwoven story around the concept of the Askari: a term for African soldiers who fought for the European colonial powers in Africa.