Katja Brunner

Die Hand ist ein einsamer Jäger
ein bilderregen und/oder bildersegen
ad lib.
UA: 23.05.2019 · Volksbühne Berlin · Directed by: Pinar Karabulut
"Women's bodies", existences identifying as female in their bodies talk, scream, demand, complain, ask, fight for and against these very bodies and the attributes, expectations, projections attributed to them. In these bodies are: Princess Selda with her Lolita head, will-less projection surface of patriarchal fantasies in the digital world. The hungry girl as the embodiment of the desire to disappear. A self-proclaimed rebel who appears as an expert on all female role attributions. A late teenager who wonders what that hand in her pants is doing that she didn't invite. And last but not least, the chorus of bulimics that resounds through the text surfaces. They are female-read bodies of all ages, of all shapes. They all speak, sometimes tenderly, sometimes harshly, of self-confidence, self-control and self-determination.
Katja Brunner gives them all a voice, a body, a stage. She appeals to the solidarity of the female community and formulates a declaration of war against outdated ideals of beauty and social oppression.


Katja Brunner

»ES IST ZU EINER EWIG BLAUEN STUNDE« Katja Brunner und der S. Fischer Verlag

Spätestens als Katja Brunner ihrem Stück Die Hand ist ein einsamer Jäger die „ewig Blaue Stunde“ als Zeitangabe voranstellte, schien unumgänglich, dass S. Fischer Theater und Katja Brunner irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann zueinander finden mussten. All das ist jetzt und hier und heute und völlig richtig: Katja Brunner goes Fischer, oder um ... mehr