Katja Brunner

Eine Anamnese in 9 Bildern (zirka)
Auftragswerk für das Schauspiel Leipzig
ad lib.
UA: 30.04.2022 · Schauspiel Leipzig · Directed by: Katrin Plötner
**Nominated for the Mülheim Drama Prize 2023**
Seven doctors stand around him, the petrified patient Fels, and try to make out his breathing, to feel his pulse. Together with the Mothers, the Schnuralist, Marius I and II, the Kevins, a male choir and a rattling frame, they form the image of society: a wounded body that is constantly wrestling with how much of this wound it will reveal.
It is about all of us in the structure in which we live: our political, social and health structures, our historical imprint, our future in this unsettled world. What are the fears and worries of different people? What are their wounds? To whom do they show them, with whom do they negotiate their pain? Who sets the rules and norms, and who breaks them?
Katja Brunner dissects the state with all its absurdities through impressive images, a precise choice of language and a finely tuned dash of comedy, and opens up human abysses. A text that sometimes gets the laughter stuck in your throat.


Caren Jeß & Roland Schimmelpfennig & Katja Brunner

48. Mülheimer Theatertage ⁓ Unsere nominierten Autor:innen

S. Fischer goes Mülheim! Wir freuen uns über gleich drei Nominierungen im Rahmen der 48. Mülheimer Theatertage. Katja Brunner und Caren Jeß sind für den Dramatikpreis nominiert. Außerdem drücken wir Roland Schimmelpfennig die Daumen, der auf der Shortlist für den KinderStückePreis steht. Beide Preise sind mit jeweils 15.000 Euro dotiert. Am Ende ... mehr