"What’s disconcerting about this world isn’t the chaos, the unknown, but the apparent straightforwardness, and against that one’s own non-conformity with a reality dominated by the end… Meinnicht shows a snippet of the wonder world. It’s random, no study of a milieu, no class, the Somewhere is invented on the scene. The characters of the play are in different aggregate phases/states of being. A choir made of ready and not-ready characters, who constantly try to reconstruct themselves or, looking in the opposite direction, the external world as a blueprint to find answers through, maybe to the question of who they are, and behind that the why. One’s own position is only definable in front of the background of the other. A dark threat, which long has been the homemade nightmare of the television-we. “What shall I do?”, asks the idiot. “Paint something pretty” says the mother. (Gesine Danckwart)
Meinnicht was produced as a commissioned work in the context of the Frankfurter Positionen 2001 and was presented in a scenic reading on 4 October 2001. The reading was transmitted on hr2.
Gesine Danckwart
2 D, 2 H
UA: 23.10.2002 · Thalia Theater, Hamburg · Directed by: Isabel Osthues