They say it’s a neverland, full of young people from the city and the surrounding areas, young people who have their own rituals and their own language, who celebrate their festivals, write history and stories. Their own stories, and those of a country that is not found on the maps of this world, a realm of fantasy. It is said that the walls of the Lucerne theater are the borders to a parallel universe. But not even its employees can swear by it. Because the flags are hoisted only at night. And the exit is rehearsed. (Announcement of the Theater Luzern)
"I am lavish in my renunciation, it is the greatest luxury of all. Every day I indluge myself in countless purchases which I do not make and in luxurious dinners which I do not eat, and in flights with which I do not fly. It is the finest silks that I don’t lie in. It is a sports car with darkened windows that does not drive me through the streets. All of these things, and none of them is mine. My friends look at my luxurious life with envy. They wish all of it didn’t belong to them."
Jakob Nolte
No Future Forever
Ein Musiktheaterprojekt mit Jugendlichen
Auftragsarbeit für das Theater Luzern
Für Kinder ab 10 Jahren
UA: 03.03.2017 · Theater Luzern · Directed by: Marco Stormann