Harald Kislinger

Steinigung einer nackten Frau
1 D, 1 H
UA: 26.09.1991 · LIVA Posthof, Linz · Directed by: Wilhelm Engeldhardt
A naked woman is sunbathing next to a lake, while her divorced husband watches her. The whole day, they fight each other, without ever addressing each other – they never talk, accusation stands against accusation. They have become bitter and hardened by the insanity of the wounds they caused each other, they rage not only against each other, but also against the role they unexpectedly found themselves playing in their marriage and the social bounds that make an escape impossible. Marriage is revealed as a social battlefield, on which neither of the two sexes can show any weakness – there can be no talk of the “quiet harbour of marriage”. The play ends in an act of senseless violence – the husband stones the wife.