Thomas Hürlimann

Stück in 1 Akt (abendfüllend)
3 D, 7 H, 1 Dek
UA: 16.11.1984 · Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus · Directed by: Thomas Schulte-Michels
Cancer-struck chicken-breeder Damunt has escaped from the hospital and is now on the grounds of his chicken farm, reminiscing over his life’s work. His wife Sissi and doctor Katzbach are searching for him across the abandoned area. Only Erler, who is out of a job, roams the compound and catches rats. In front of the door of the cold store he meets Damunt. The door opens.
Speechless, Damunt is standing in front of the emptied cold store. This is where Sissi finds him. She justifies the dismantling with the costs of his special treatment in Amsterdam. Damunt gets angry and decides to start over. He instructs Erler to get the old foreman Horat and to make the neon sign light up again.
Doctor Katzbach tries in vain to convince Damunt to return to the hospital. Erler brings Horat, who is completely drunk, and his wife Martha to the compound. Memories of the old grandeur of the company flood back. The letters of the neon sign spell Damunt’s name. With his last strength, the former chef wants to start a new rearing this very night.
Following Damunt’s orders, Erler and old Horat prepare for the new breeding. Even Sissi joins the undertaking. During the absurd bustle, Damunt collapses, exhausted. Sister Carmencita gives him a shot. In his morphine-induced delirium, Damunt’s thoughts get clearer and he realises the futility of his striving.
Doctor Katzbach wants to send everyone away to allow Damunt to die in peace. Erler attacks the doctor and pushes Horat, who tries to help her, into the cesspool. Damunt hallucinates and believes he sees the flock of chickens being reared one last time before dying.


Thomas Hürlimann
Der krebskranke Hühnerzüchter Damunt - aus der Klinik entwichen - befindet sich ... mehr
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