Lucien Haug
Sixteen-year-old Sam doesn't want to finish high school. She wants to do an apprenticeship so she can financially support her mother and little brother as soon as possible. She doesn't want to give a speech at graduation, certainly not on such a silly theme as "Dream Big." What she really dreams of, she doesn't know - and she doesn't want to know, because her dreams are stubborn and have a way of always getting in her way: People and things Sam touches in her dreams become real when she wakes up. Sam dreams her report cards, which have only bad grades on them, so she doesn't have to ask herself any more questions about her future. She dreams her father, who has left the family. She dreams about Ezra, who she has a crush on, but also about a beautiful classmate named Sex Dream. She dreams of speeches she could give, finally speaking her mind, and a mess of balloons and garlands. (Announcement Burgtheater)
bz Basel
Temporeiche Geschichte, gefühlvolles Schauspiel
Mit der geschickten und ausgesprochen temporeich und kraftvoll konstruierten Geschichte um die Angstwelten einer Jugendlichen gelingt es [Haug und Gürler], die jungen Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer ganz direkt anzusprechen und offensichtlich in den Bann zu ziehen.
Feiern sie mit bei dieser lockeren Party, in der tiefe Themen von Teenagern beleuchtet werden. Feiern sie mit, weil die Party Spass macht.
Radio XNach einem Text von Lucien Haug und unter Regie von Suna Gürler setzen die drei Schauspielenden mit "Über Nacht" ein tempo- und pointenreiches Stück um, das angesichts der darin scharf umrissenen Problematik einer Jugend in relativer Armut nicht in Resignation verfällt, aber es sich auch nicht mit pauschalen Lösungen bequem macht