Ewald Palmetshofer

wohnen. unter glas
2 D, 1 H
UA: 09. 02. 2008 · Schauspielhaus Wien · Directed by: Sebastian Schug
A meeting of three people. Once they shared many things. They shared their adolescence. And, with a bit of effort, they shared certain ideological ideas. Now they meet again, a few years later. The loss of this former intimacy looms large over their meeting. There is little left to be said to each other, but their heads are buzzing. In the course of one night, they articulate their own standpoints and perspectives. They take stock. They relive old intimacies. They let their bodies collide and their brains rant. And the next morning they climb a mountain. And there is something to celebrate, because someone is getting married.

Do you just exist, or are you actually living? This question is a question about your entire way of being. If you are actually living in a completely post-ideological time, your way of living still seems to indicate whether you are successful or not - both professionally and privately, financially and emotionally. (Ewald Palmetshofer)

wohnen. unter glas examines the lifes of people in their midthirties in a humorously painful way. Palmetshofer examines their search for meaning through a consequent usage of language. The words burst in like the future, and the words fail, just like the future will. The words of his protagonists flow and interrupt each other continually, a verbal representation of the impermanence of all negotiated circumstances and the fragility of time. wohnen. unter glas was created in 2006 for the workshop days at the Burgtheater in Vienna.

Translated into: Czech, Italian, Spanish


wohnen. unter glas

Die Presse, 11.02.2008

Unsere ganze Welt wird hier [...] aufgerollt: Schön, tröstlich, erhellend, aufwühlend. So soll Theater sein.

Kronen Zeitung, 11.02.2008

Rhetorik trommelt, Satz und Gegensatz folgen pfeilschnell. Das sind Palmetshofer Waffen. Hysterisch-komische Wortspiele über die Einsamkeit der Anfangsdreißiger.

Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, 11.02.2008

Palmetshofers Sozialbefund einer neoliberalen Gesellschaft ist jede Larmoyanz fremd. Er fokussiert mit einem hohen Reflexionsniveau den Aberwitz des (materiellen und vor allem idellen) Elends.

Nachtkritik, 20.03.2008

"wohnen. unter glas" ist auch eine bedrückend schööne Elegie auf die Impotenz, auf die Unmöglichkeit dem Leben herausragende Höhepunkte zu schenken.