Away from our world, there is a completely secret place that follows a simple rule: If something in a story is mispronounced or misunderstood, it disappears from its original story and ends up in slosh-side, the mysterious land of misunderstandings. This is where they find their end, the personified careless mistakes, unintentional spelling mistakes, unforced tongue twisters and escalating fantasies.This also applies to the protagonist of the play, little Bread Riding Hood. She has just walked through the forest in human form to visit her sick grandmother when she suddenly wakes up and finds herself transformed into bread fresh from the oven. Only the red cap remains from the old life. A silly slip of the tongue or an unwashed ear have caused little Bread Riding Hood to spill over from its original story.
Little Bread Riding Hood encounters abstruse characters. There is, for example, the Fog Prince or the Little Beer Maid. In addition to these two eccentrics, Little Bread Riding Hood encounters a whole series of other accidental new creations on her wild odyssey through the sloshing world. One thing is clear: little Bread Riding Hood absolutely has to find a way out of slosh-side and back into her own story - after all, her own grandmother is sick in bed and absolutely has to be looked after. However, she also has to face the evil forces that hold sway in this parallel world. Fortunately, the creatures of slosh-side are at her side.Es bla einmal (Once upon a rhyme) tells of the supposed misunderstandings of this world and is dedicated to those who always feel a little misunderstood or like a misunderstanding themselves. The erroneous word and miscommunication become the starting point for a cosmos of its own, full of endearing creatures. The play breaks and overwrites pre-formulated images and characters with the linguistic principle of misunderstanding them and allows the quirky characters to learn to celebrate themselves in all their inconsistencies. In doing so, it questions the significance and tradition of the fairy tale in theatre for young audiences.
Till Wiebel
Es bla einmal
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
ad libitum, Doppelbesetzung möglich
UA: 02.03.2024 · Theater Konstanz · Directed by: Paola Aguilera