The dog - man's best friend. Submissive. Faithfully devoted. Slavishly submissive. The classic recipient of orders. And therefore, from the reddest left to the brownest right, this is a given: "Happiness is a warm puppy. (Charles M. Schulz) Man loves his dog. And the dog loves unconditionally back, because he does not distinguish between poor and rich, pretty or ugly, good or bad.
But what if the dog had an understanding "for the greater good"? If a dog, taking responsibility for his master or mistress, could decide, up to here and no further? If he had ethics, a moral philosophy? Could Blondi have prevented the second world war? Or Putin's Buffy the third? Reporting dogs save wounded soldiers, St. Bernard dogs save buried skiers, and therapy dogs save many a soul. Could a dog save the whole world? Or at least actively improve it? And does anyone really deserve the love of a dog? An example?
In the quite concrete case of this monologue piece here the gentleman is called Attila Hildmann, was cookbook author and is meanwhile reality-lost conspiracy ideologue, who does not become tired as spearhead of a right-wing extremist movement of Reichsbürger and Corona deniers to spray its poison in relevant well-known networks. Beyond that Hildmann is daddy. Is daddy of Akira. A huskie. A dog. Who finds himself in a quandary: "I came here tonight because I want to ask you a question. It's a bit of a tricky question. That's why I can't answer it on my own. Because I need your help."
And the question? - "Woof woof woof." (Saarländisches Staatstheater, Sparte4)
Noëlle Haeseling, Leo Meier
Ich, Akira
Monologstück für einen Hund mit einer Frage
Auftragsarbeit des Saarländischen Staatstheaters Saarbrücken
1 Darsteller
UA: 23.09.2022 · Saarländisches Staatstheater Saarbrücken · Directed by: Lorenz Nolting
Ich, Akira
"Ich, Akira" ist immer wieder brüllend komisch. Und doch bleiben die Lacher zunehmend im Halse stecken.
Saarbrücker ZeitungDie Sparte 4 hat die neue Theatersaison mit einer tierisch guten Uraufführung begonnen: "Ich, Akira" [...] ist kurzweilig, aber durchaus nicht nur lustig. Auch wenn es viel Gelächter gibt: Beim Verlassen des Theaters steckt es einem im Hals.