"The wind moved gently through the man-sized corn and made a sound like soft breathing. Out here, something moved in the night and saw everything. Even the most secret thoughts locked up in human hearts."
When does an idea become a movement?
When they met for the first time - outside, outside the city - their world was a playground: here everything was to start all over again, without constraints, ideologies, false gods and outdated structures. Out here they had found each other to rise above the old world.
They, who no longer obey any god, whose language we no longer speak, whose gaze is fixed on the corn fields and on the one who speaks to them from a distant time: He who walks behind the rows. A play about generational contracts and fundamentalist structures.
Simon Paul Schneider
13 Darsteller, Doppelbesetzung möglich
UA: 16.11.2019 · Theater Duisburg · Directed by: Simon Paul Schneider
Der Autor Schneider betrachtet Gesellschaftsmechanismen mit scharfem Blick, lässt aber vieles auch angedeutet bis unausgesprochen, verharrt im Rätselhaften. So spürt er kaputten Strukturen und angegriffenen Menschenseelen nach.
WAZSehr düster und metaphorisch deckte das surreale Schauspiel gleich mehrere Themenfelder ab: Die Vergänglichkeit, die Orientierungslosigkeit der Generation Y, eine Coming-of-Age-Geschichte und sogar verbotene Liebe, die eigentlich gar nicht verboten ist.