Ewe Benbenek

3 D
UA: 30.10.2020 · Schauspielhaus Wien · Directed by: Florian Fischer
Unlike her parents, she has completed her A-levels and has attended university since she came to Germany from Poland with her parents. SHero of upward mobility. And yet she searches for words that will position her. How can the unspoken be described? What does a childhood mean that was determined by the parents' great longing for the German passport? In which the parents were asked to speak German with their daughter, even though they couldn't do it themselves? When humiliation was part of everyday life and even Poland became alien?

Ewe Benbenek pours her search into a rhythmically raging stream of words and three voices. At some point, A, B and C shed the burden of these memories like a dress that is too small. Instead, they doll themselves up for the night. Clack, clack, bam, bam - that's how the protagonist and her "chosen sisters" strut through this piece. A constant up and down, a furious wavering between tenderly brutal memory, childlike helplessness and intoxicated rebellion. A painful roar that they brace themselves against, proudly grabbing the insults of yore for themselves - because they ultimately make them what they really are: goddesses.

In 2021, Ewe Benbenek received the Mülheim Dramatist Prize for her debut play Tragödienbastard and was voted Young Author of the Year in Theater heute critics' survey.
Translated into: Englisch


Anne Haug & Ewe Benbenek

Förderpreise für Ewe Benbenek und Anne Haug

Doppelter Grund zur Freude! Ewe Benbenek und Anne Haug erhalten die mit jeweils 7.500 Euro dotierten Förderpreise im Rahmen des Schiller-Gedächtnis-Preises 2022.   In ihrem Debut ... mehr