Guido Wertheimer

Wir werden diese Nacht nicht sterben
2 H
UA: Staatstheater Braunschweig
Many ghosts are haunting Berlin. The author and narrator of this performative monologue and Aron, the enigmatic young Berlin Jew whom the university has placed at the author's side, walk behind them, question them, try to enter into conversation with them. Sometimes the ghosts are within reach, sometimes they evaporate or hide in the events of the present. Guido Wertheimer writes a diary about his stay in Berlin, the city where his grandparents were born. In early 2020, he visits the places where his family's history played out (or could have played out) in the 1920s and 1930s. In doing so, he does not attempt to deal with issues of Judaism or Nazism: What the author describes is an outsider's view of the city, of his own history, of his family's past as well as his own present. The verses chant the passage of time, follow it, reflect it, sometimes linger on small moments of the journey, and then are thrown back into the events of the time. They are pages of a specific diary, but through the resonating body of the stage they touch collective experiences and feelings. (State Theater Braunschweig)


Guido Wertheimer

Eine Karte der Geister in einem stillen Land

Nie wieder. Anlässlich des 85. Jahrestags der Pogrome gegen jüdische Bürger:innen in der Nacht vom 9. auf den 10. November 1938, hat Autor und Regisseur Guido Wertheimer einen Text für das Staatstheater Braunschweig verfasst: „Ich schreibe und meine Hände zittern. Denn wenn man den Versuch unternimmt, kann man von diesem stillen Land aus ... mehr


Wir werden diese Nacht nicht sterben

Braunschweiger Zeitung

Guido Wertheimers Qualitäten liegen in seinem Gefühl für Situation und Geheimnis, für das Durchscheinende, wie es etwa Bernard-Marie Koltès so magisch beherrschte. Der Abend jedenfalls nimmt auf unaufdringliche Art gefangen... Die verführerisch-poetische Inszenierung überzeugt.