“The world’s a funny place, stuffed with people,” Maria always says. But in this world, Maria remains alone with her soul and her desire, and the people she meets, who rip her off and use her, remain strangers, enemies. And this despite how close they are, where love is exchanged for money and emotion is paid for in pain. Maria is a prostitute: a neglected child has grown into a woman who is bought and sold. This very simple story, in which everything is headed nowhere, is told by Björn SC Deigner without any sentimentality, cultural kitsch or bourgeois red-light romance. The language is a poetic documentation, hard, amoral and bitter, the melancholy tone is like splintered varnish. For there is no salvation here, at least not in life itself, and when Maria looks back, she sees that even her dreams were cracked, breaking off just before the happy ending. (Announcement Deutsches Theater Berlin)
Björn SC Deigner paints a fascinating portrait of a woman through Maria, who despite all adversity retains her pragmatic optimism. No matter what happens, and no matter how terrible things may be, Maria affirms life. Björn SC Deigner’s In Stanniolpapier was invited to the Autorentheatertage 2018 of the Deutsches Theater, Berlin.
Björn SC Deigner
In Stanniolpapier
nach einer Idee von Anna Berndt
Gewinnerstück der Autorentheatertage 2018 am Deutschen Theater Berlin
2 D, 1 H
UA: 19.09.2019 · Theater Bonn · Directed by: Matthias Köhler