Wolfgang Maria Bauer

Wolfgang Maria Bauer was born in Munich in 1963. He studied philosophy, German literature and theatre at the university there before attending the acting academy in Stuttgart from 1987 to 1990. In 1990, he became part of the ensemble of the Bavarian State Theatre (Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel). He is currently working as author, actor and director and has become the senior director of State Theatre of Lower Bavaria (Landestheater Niederbayern) in Landshut in 2017.

Stage plays

Wolfgang Maria Bauer
4 D, 7 H
God be with you, you land of Bavaria.
To the Bavarian Gemütlichkeit belong not ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Der Brandner Kaspar kehrt zurück
2 D, 7 H
It’s a popular theatre classic: death, in the guise of frail Boandlkramer, comes ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Der kleine Wolperdinger (7+)
6 Darsteller
Poor Abeku! For years the lion has lived in the local zoo and has had to pose ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Der Schatten eines FlugesDie Geschichte von ...
2 D, 8 H
The Kneißl family leads a poor, austere life. They go hungry quite often. Only ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Der Zikadenzüchter
4 D, 8 H
“Sparta: a bureaucratically organised city-state, that temporarily wins hegemony ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Fata Morgana
3 D, 6 H
After a large fire that destroyed their farm and the death of the demented ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
In den Augen eines Fremden
2 D, 4 H
“If I think about my play, I see an abandoned seaside resort in the last light ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Julie, Traum und Rausch
2 D, 1 H
It is midsummer night, the time of dissolution of boundaries, day and night are ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Kirsche in Not!
3 D, 5 H
The existence of a cherry tree, who is in love with an eagle, and in whose ... more
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Lena Christ, Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Madam Bäurin
7 D, 7 H
The summer tourists are coming to the country! They are actually welcome guests ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
1 D, 2 H
Darkness and silence, the flipside of the theatre, prevail for a long time. ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Späte Wut
1 D, 1 H
“The setting: a cemetery. A gravestone made from green travertine marks the ... more
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Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Wir hätten gewinnen müssen
5 D, 9 H
A play that can only last two times 45 minutes. Nothing is being examined ... more
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Sabrina Zwach & Ferdinand Schmalz & Jakob Nolte & Wolfgang Maria Bauer & Rosa von Praunheim

Freilichttipps als Sommerhits

Wann wird es endlich wieder Sommer? Theater unterm Sternenhimmel. Laue Nächte und dramatische Mächte. Wenn alles passt, passiert hier pures Glück. Braucht nur ein Stück. Und da helfen wir natürlich gerne. Anbei unsere Freilichttipps als Sommerhits.   DER BRANDNER KASPAR KEHRT ZURÜCK von Wolfgang Maria Bauer   Wofür auf den ... mehr

Wolfgang Maria Bauer


Schauspieler, Regisseur und Autor Wolfgang Maria Bauer hat ein turbulentes und rasantes Tierabenteuer geschrieben. Eine Fabel-hafte Geschichte über Freundschaft und Toleranz, die nun als Hörspiel in der SWR2-Mediathek zum Nachhören zur Verfügung steht. Reinhören lohnt sich!    Der Löwe Abeku ist unglücklich ... mehr